At long last, we actually starting building the house. The main section will be 7' x 6' with the sleeping alcove section being 5' x 6'. There will be four windows and one door in the main section, and three windows in the alcove section. I had some multi-pane double hung windows hanging around for the last 20 years. I finally get to use them. I did not have any frames for them, however. We spent yesterday morning building new frames for six of the windows. As you can see in the image above by yesterday afternoon we had built one wall of the main section. By this evening we have completed framing out the other three walls of the main section.
I dropped my tape off the deck and I could hear it rolling down the hill. When I got down there it had rolled quite some distance away from the tree, all the way to the fence. While climbing back up the hill I notice the treehouse from a different angle than I had seen it from before and I thought it might be a good shot for the blog. Judge for yourself below.
Here are a few shots from the deck:
We spent a good amount of time this afternoon releveling the alcove section. I am learning that even without adding more material weight to a section, many times just the passage of time is causing portions of the deck to become unleveled. I don't have a good answer to this problem yet. I don't even know if the deck has stabilized yet. Only time will tell.
Next is building out the alcove with the crow's nest on top of it. We did add one small section to the deck for a stairway to go from the main deck to the crow's nest. I still have to build the stairway to get up there and cut into the railing so that it will be accessible.